Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bob Gunderson

Hello fellow classmates--40 years--WOW, it's been a long and bumpy ride. As most of you remember, I left Yankton in the summer of '68. My dad went to work for the State of SD and had to move to Pierre. Even though I did not graduate from Yankton, it is where I was born and raised. I married a local Pierre girl and through that marriage I was blessed with four children: Bryan, Teresa, Jason, and Kristin who are all in their early or late 30's. And with them have been further blessed with 10 grandchildren, 7 girls and 3 boys between ages 7-17. Boy does that make me feel OLD!!
I have been divorced for 7 years and not remarried. And on a personal note, I have worked as a mechanic, of some sort since high school. I own my own transmission repair shop in Pierre for the past 15 years.
My hobbies include umpiring softball for the past 26 years, car racing, yes I drive on dirt ovals and have for the past 15 years. I love to fish but don't get out as much as I would like but I do a lot of hunting, from waterfowl, upland game, deer and antelope. I even went to Africa on safari to hunt--what a rush!!!!
Well, I should stop now as if I were to tell you everything now, we would have nothing to talk about at the reunion. See you there, Bob

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