Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tom Weniger

After Reading Tom Lee's Post I thought... what a boring life I have had!! God! I envy him! Then Ross says I look great in my picture and haven't aged a bit. Well the picture is 6 years old, so I thought I should probably update it in an attempt at full disclosure. So I dug around...

After being voted “least likely to succeed” by the Jr High principle (Lee Knego?), I spent a few years doing my best to fulfill that calling. After living in Utah with my pal Randy Ramsley for a number of years, I moved back to Sioux Falls where my parents (like many others) had transferred while working for the telephone company.
In 1979 I moved to Western Wisconsin, and have lived in Eau Claire for 25 years. Mike Vlahakis landed in Eau Claire in the mid 80s, and has kept a home down the road from me when he wasn't on the road touring with various groups. We consider it healthy and make it a point to call each other every couple of years. I remember when we were teenagers we played in “competing” bands. I played in The “Beliefs” with Ron Deoring, Dan Frank and Bob Peitz. Mike played in some lame band whose name (as you can imagine) escapes me. The other person I have stayed in touch with is Bill Holmes. Bill and Mike shared Best Man duties at my wedding 20 years ago. Bill has lived in Denver for something like...60 years, and I believe the distance and lack of free plane tickets has kept our relationship fresh. At 39 I went back to school and received a degree in computer technology, after which I spent 14 years working at Cray Research helping to make supercomputers. In 2000 I went back to school again, and received a degree in business. I now work in the Veterinary software industry, where I am ‘running out the clock” to retirement.
I am very excited to be invited back to visit all of my classmates and childhood friends.
Tom Weniger

1 comment:

Shane Driscoll said...

Hi Tom,

My name is Shane Driscoll from Australia. I was taught by a guy called Bob Hicks at Eltham High School in Victoria, Australia in the mid 1970's. DO you know of his whereabouts? If so please drop me an email at
