Monday, October 27, 2008

As the days pass by.......

Here's a little reminder to be sure and get your vote in for the dates of your choice and let us know which activities you may want to partake in while in town for the big event. Take a moment and click on the comments section at the bottom of any post. You can read your fellow classmates comments, and also create a blogger account to tell your own fish stories. Also, sign up as a follower, like our leader, and you'll get the latest blog as soon as it's posted. Happy elections to you all.................The Committee

1 comment:

Kathy F. said...

Greetings from Knoxville!

I'd like to add my thanks to the reunion committee for all you're doing to make our 40th a reality. You are blessed to live in Yankton and see each other more often, but on the other hand, the responsibility for the reunions always rests on your shoulders!

Thanks, too, for giving us all input re the dates. What a great idea to have this blog.

How about some more pictures of the committee? I've scoured the two that are posted, but it's difficult to make out who's who.

I hope we break all attendance records for this celebration!

Kathy Anderson Falk