Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

The Committee wishes you all a joyous, prosperous, healthy, HAPPY NEW YEAR. We are all looking forward to seeing all who attend, and promise that we are working diligently to ensure that this will be a weekend to remember.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Endorsed by the YHS class of '69, Don Gereau is the new Senator for the state of Illinois.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Sorry we have not been prompt about updating you with the latest information. We held a very quick meeting after the election, and the dates of July 17-18 were chosen for the weekend of the reunion. The weather was less than favorable that night, but Jenny Winstead, Barb Schneider, Lynn Conrad, Tom Steinbach, Ross VanDerhule, Jay Gurney and later Dana Nelson did make it. The Committee is establishing sub groups to handle all the planning and we'll be sending out a save the date post card to everyone. At this date we have approximately 60 e-mail addresses, so we would appreciate it if you can provide yours if we don't already have it. The IT Department is working on programming the blog site so that anyone can log on and post, upload photos, etc. so that we can all get an early preview of how none of us have aged. Hope you all have a joyful Thanksgiving wherever you are. Please stay tuned, we'll have more photos and info for you next month! Regards, The Committee

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The morning after......

Oops, might be the wrong president elect, but the vintage is good. As you can all see the election results are a toss up. Looks like July might be the month, but there are some absentee ballots to be counted and The Committee to Re-elect will have to meet in closed session to determine the winner. Please stay tuned, we should be able to let you know by the end of next week how things turn out.

Monday, October 27, 2008

As the days pass by.......

Here's a little reminder to be sure and get your vote in for the dates of your choice and let us know which activities you may want to partake in while in town for the big event. Take a moment and click on the comments section at the bottom of any post. You can read your fellow classmates comments, and also create a blogger account to tell your own fish stories. Also, sign up as a follower, like our leader, and you'll get the latest blog as soon as it's posted. Happy elections to you all.................The Committee

Monday, October 20, 2008

Here we are hard at work!

Attending the first meeting. in no particular order: Jenny Winstead, Wanda Mueller, Becky Swanstrom, Lynn Conrad, Sue Morrison, Sharon Sarvak, Dana Nelson, Pam Marchand, Mike Gillespie, Ross & Brooke VanDerhule, Tom Steinbach, Ken Schaefer, Dave Sternhagen, Marsha Bertsch. Sorry the rest of the 50+ people who live in the area missed out on a great evening.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The focus of this blog is to provide a medium that would allow input from as many classmates as possible in regards to the reunion planning. The 15 of us who gathered on Monday, October 13, have provided the platform for your choices. We are not married to the dates, but have chosen them based on the local calendar of events that may have conflicted with other weekends. Please vote for the weekend that works best for you and by the time the national election rolls around we should be able to choose the dates that work the best for all involved. After the weekend is chosen, we'll go to work on choosing sites for the events. We did discuss having a BYOB one evening at an outdoor venue, and then doing a casual dining type gathering on the other. Please take time to post a comment as to what your preferences might be and we will include your thoughts in our discussion. Thanks so much for your input, The Committee